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Mobile Police to Consolidate Precincts

Jun 17th, 2014

On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at midnight, Mobile Police will complete a consolidation of precincts, moving from a five-precinct operation to four precincts. The consolidation has been in the planning stages for six months and is expected to transition seamlessly.

The move will have no effect on the number of officers employed by the Department and will allow each precinct to operate from its own facility. Currently, the Department operates five precincts from four buildings. Precincts 2 and 4 each operate from the Western Administrative Complex on Museum Drive.

In his November 2013 strategic plan, Chief James H. Barber stated "eliminating Precinct 5 and dividing the territory between Precincts 2 and 4 can be accomplished with no adverse impact on operational effectiveness but a significant positive impact on efficiency." Chief Barber also highlighted three immediate crime prevention purposes which will be realized from dispersing the precincts: accessibility to the public, facilitating a speedy shift change and geographical accountability.

After midnight on June 17, Precinct 4 will operate from the former Precinct 5 facility on Airport Boulevard at Dawes Road. Precincts 1, 2 and 3 continue to serve from their present locations. This consolidation will eliminate the cost in operating an additional precinct and will assist in providing existing officers with the proper training, equipment and compensation needed to operate a successful Department. "This will effectively put more officers in our neighborhoods and less behind desks," said Chief Barber.


Ashley H. Rains
Public Information Office
Office: (251) 208-1918