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Mobile Police to Participate in Webb Avenue Community Clean-Up Day

Apr 11th, 2014

On Saturday, April 12, 2014, at 9:00 a.m., Mobile Police First Precinct commanders and officers will participate in a community clean-up day with residents on and along Webb Avenue in Mobile. Officers and citizens will be removing trash from the streets, removing and properly disposing of discarded tires, landscaping yards, putting up a basketball goal and other activities. This effort by the residents of Webb Avenue is coupled with the Department's recent operations to rid the area of crime through hot-spot policing. Councilmember C. J. Small will also participate in the activities as a part of his "Pick Up 3" clean-up initiative.

On February 13, 2014, Mobile Police, in keeping with the technique of hot-spot policing, conducted an extensive operation to deter major crimes in the Webb Avenue area. This area, which had been known for extensive drug sales on a street-level, was determined to be related to almost 1,000 additional crimes — some of them homicides — due to the prevalent drug sales and use in the area. Five drug arrests were made in this operation.

Since this operation, First Precinct has conducted directed patrol activities where officers are specifically assigned to the Webb Avenue area. These patrols have operated at a "zero tolerance" level, enforcing public drinking, noise ordinance and other quality-of-life laws. These patrols have also seized illegal weapons and drugs from this area.

In his strategic plan, released in November 2013, Chief Barber defined hot-spot policing as "identifying crime hotspots and the use of problem-solving techniques to reduce crime and calls for service by addressing the underlying circumstances that cause crime."

Area church and Community Action Group (CAG) members will also be cooking hot dogs and providing drinks for clean up participants. The event is scheduled to last until 1:00 p.m.


Ashley H. Rains
Public Information Office
(251) 208-1918