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MPD Announces Two Deputy Chiefs

Jan 28th, 2025

“After a rigorous interview process to select two deputy chiefs, I am pleased to announce the interview panel has made their selections. After careful review and consideration, on Monday, January 27, 2025, Major Melvin Jones and Captain Matthew Garrett were named Deputy Chiefs of the Mobile Police Department. It is my honor to promote both individuals who have extensive law enforcement backgrounds with years of dedicated experience and service with the Mobile Police Department.

I have no doubt their contributions will build upon what we’re already achieving, and I look forward to the continued successes as they take on these new roles.

Attached, you will find photos and brief biographies of each deputy chief. At this time, we are letting them focus on the tasks ahead, but I anticipate providing an opportunity for media to meet with them in the coming weeks to learn more about their experiences and their new roles.

Upon my transition to Chief of Police, I vacated the assistant chief position, which was then divided into two deputy chief positions as a way to better structure the department’s leadership.

It’s important to note, the interview panel met with more than a dozen candidates, and while many weren’t chosen for deputy chief, that decision in no way takes away from the sacrifice and hard work they put in each and every day while serving the citizens of Mobile. I am truly blessed to work with these men and women as we continue to push ahead, and I have no doubt that together we can make Mobile a safer place for us all.” – Chief William Jackson