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MPD to Increase Patrols at City Parks

Aug 14th, 2018

Mobile police are increasing patrols at city parks to ensure public safety.  Of recent, there have been reports of individuals gambling, consuming alcoholic beverages and the sights and smells of people smoking marijuana at the parks.

Based on the calls police have received, the incidents are occurring most often at Maitre Park (2412 Halls Mill Road) and Municipal (Langan) Park, 4901 Zeigler Blvd., during youth football games.

Parks are free for all to enjoy and everyone should feel safe without the disruption of illegal behavior.

City ordinance prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages of all kinds at public parks. And, possession of marijuana and gambling are arrestable offenses. If convicted in a court of law these offenses may carry a monetary fine and up to one year in jail.