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News Releases


Dec 4th, 2008

File Number: 08-12-Shopping Safety

On Friday November 28, 2008, the Mobile Police Department stationed two Mobile Command Centers at Colonial Bel-Air Mall near the front entrance near the Christian Bookstore and at Springdale Mall behind Morrison's Cafeteria, serving as mini-precincts for the area during the holiday shopping season. The police department has also deployed sky watch towers in areas of the mall which enhance visibility and deter criminal activity.

Along with the command centers and sky watch towers; there will be increased patrols of the mall by the Mounted Detail and other members of the Special Operations Section. Shoppers may file reports of crimes, suspicious activity or missing children at the command center or to officers patrolling the area.

Shoppers should also keep the following shopping safety tips in mind to reduce thefts and increase safety.

Do not leave purses and packages in vehicle in plain sight. Place valuables in your trunk or out of sight from would be thieves.

Limit the cash and credit cards you carry to help prevent losses and thefts.

Do no leave purses in unattended shopping carts. Keep them in view at all times and closed.

Always be aware of what is going on around you, especially as you approach and leave your car.

If you don't feel comfortable going to your vehicle alone ask a security guard or police officer to accompany you.

Report suspicious activity to the police. Such as individuals loitering in a parking lot or asking for money

Keep a close eye on your children. Advise them to go immediately to a store clerk, security guard or police officer and if they become separated from you.

Don't overload yourself with packages. It's important to be able to react in an emergency.

Cpl. Charles D. Bagsby Jr.

Public Information Office

Office: 208-1715

Fax: 208-1758