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Man Charged in 1989 Rape Case

Dec 11th, 2018

The man connected to raping a 3-year-old girl back in June 1989 was arrested Friday, Dec. 7, 2018. A CODIS hit, matching DNA, identified 46-year-old Timothy Robinson as the offender. Robinson is charged with rape first degree.

The sexual assault kit from the case was submitted under the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) grant, making the third SAKI arrest for the Mobile Police Department.

When the 3-year-old victim was sexually assaulted, she was being cared for by a family friend. The victim’s family, at the time of the incident, stated they did not know the offender. Further investigation revealed that the family actually knew the suspect and did not disclose the assault to the victim.

The victim, who now lives out of state, was contacted by police and informed of the investigation. She decided to move forward in the case.

Robinson had been serving a 10-year sentence for sexual abuse first degree from an arrest in 2011 involving an 8-year-old girl, but was released from prison early on Oct. 31, 2018. While taking steps to register as a sex offender at the Sheriff’s Office, he was arrested for his new warrant.

Robinson is currently being held on $100,000 bond.