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Mobile Police Department Awards Ceremony and Banquet

May 20th, 2014

The Mobile Police Department held its annual Awards Ceremony and Banquet Thursday, May 8, 2014. This program is sponsored by the Exchange Club, as it has been since 1959.

A variety of awards and decorations were presented to officers and civilians.

The following awards were presented:

Police Combat Cross - awarded to member of the department who, while serving in an official capacity, distinguishes himself in an act of extraordinary heroism while engaged in personal combat with an armed adversary at imminent personal risk to life.
Corporal Steven Chandler
Officer Adam Hudson
Corporal Mark McCracken
Officer Miranda Wilson

Life Saving Award - presented to the sworn officer who, with or without risk of sacrifice to his or her own life, took the necessary action to prevent the possible or imminent death of a person.
Officer Michael Bailey
Officer Chester Cochran
Officer Christopher Cramer
Officer Timothy Meynard

Excellent Police Duty Award - given to an officer who, while serving in his or her official capacity, demonstrates a special faithfulness, attention to duty, or a highly creditable and unusual police accomplishment, bringing favorable credit to the officer and the Department
Officer Adam Austin
Officer Vincent Gazzier
Lieutenant Roy Hodge
Corporal Dennis Johnson
Corporal Brandon Miller
Officer Robert Lunsford
Officer Chris Reed
Officer Joseph Smith
Officer John Spottswood
Officer Raymond Williams
Officer Matthew Winston
Officer John Young

Chief's Unit Award - presented in recognition of unusual or outstanding police services performed by any unit of the Department.
Fifth Precinct Criminal Investigation Unit
Sergeant Lori Alford
Officer Owen Bradley
Officer Lovell Brown
Officer Joseph Chavis
Officer Audrey Emmons
Officer Marcus Howell
Officer John Jackson
Officer Wendell Turner
Officer Matthew Shirey

Robbery Unit
Lieutenant David Evans
Sergeant Jeffrey Hilburn
Sergeant Stanley Ladnier
Corporal David McMeans
Corporal John Walstad
Officer Adam Austin
Officer Vincent Gazzier
Officer Sylvia Naman
Officer Casey Prine
Officer Trey Powell

Mounted Unit
Lieutenant Billie Rowland
Lieutenant James Cunningham
Sergeant Eddie Carr
Sergeant William Hudson
Corporal Richard Bettner
Corporal Billie Dunn
Officer Robert Harris
Officer Jacob Grissom
Officer Jason Martin

Citizen Assistance Award - presented to any citizen, who is not an employee of the Mobile Police Department, and who performs an act that provides significant assistance or special service to the Mobile Police Department
Mr. Robert Slaughter

Civilian of the Year Award - presented to any non-sworn employee who distinguishes him or herself by consistent outstanding performance and/or any act that brings favorable credit to the Department and promotes good will between the Department and the community
Office Assistant Tracy Baxter

Officer of the Year Award — presented to an officer who distinguishes himself by consistent outstanding service to the Department and the City of Mobile
Officer Jeffrey Corley, Child Advocacy Center


Ashley H. Rains
Public Information Office
(251) 208-1918