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Mobile Police Make Arrests on Credit Cards Stolen from Local Nonprofit

Jun 30th, 2014

On June 30, 2014, Mobile Police located and arrested 21 year-old Ricky Glenn, Jr. and charged him with Theft First Degree and twenty counts of Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card, all felony charges.

Investigation revealed Glenn, while employed as a temporary driver for the Bay Area Food Bank, stole three credit cards belonging to the organization. Glenn received cash payments at area gas stations in exchange for charging gas on the stolen cards. The investigation is ongoing but the total loss to the organization is expected to be $8,000 — 15,000.

Derry Glenn, 21 years old, was also arrested in this case for using one card in the amount of $595. The two suspects are cousins.


Ashley H. Rains
Public Information Office
Office: (251) 208-1918