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Mobile Police Public Safety Announcement Shows Success

May 8th, 2015

On May 1, 2015, Mobile Police launched an initiative to combat the use and sale of Spice in the Mobile community by issuing a 30-second Public Safety Announcement (PSA) titled "Spice Kills" to show the reality of the lethal effects Spice has on those who use it. After seeing record numbers of emergency room visits being attributed to Spice use, Chief James Barber called Spice "the number one threat to the health and safety of the citizens of Mobile."

One week later, after publishing the PSA on Mobile Police Department's web site and social media outlets as well as issuing the PSA to local media partners for their use, Mobile Infirmary Medical Center has stated their Emergency Department has seen a dramatic decrease in Spice-related emergency rooms visits. According to information received from Mobile Infirmary, previously there was an average of nine Spice-related emergency room visits per day. In one week, since the release of the PSA, there are 5.5 Spice-related emergency room visits per day.

Visit to watch "Spice Kills," share the video from Mobile Police Department's social media sites or view any local media outlet to see the PSA.


Ashley H. Rains
Public Affairs
Public Information Office