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Mobile Police Release the Results of an Internal Investigation

Oct 11th, 2013

In preparation of our COMSTAT report, the assigned personnel detected inconsistencies in the way our burglaries were being written in our First Precinct. As a result, we conducted a self initiated audit on burglary reports to include all five precincts to ensure accuracy.

As a result of the audit, our investigators have determined that 108 of 3203 reported property crimes were misclassified or downgraded for various reasons. The investigation revealed that of the 108 incorrect reports, 85 were from the First Precinct, three were from the Second Precinct, three were in the Third Precinct, 11 in the Fourth Precinct, and six in the Fifth Precinct.

The Mobile Police Department will now report the corrected numbers to the FBI, change our Uniform Crime Report numbers, and reassign the cases so they can be correctly investigated.

The Investigation has also determined that detectives and supervisors from several precincts will be subject to disciplinary hearings to determine if punitive action will be necessary.

Corporal Christopher Levy
Public Information Office
Office: 208-1926
Fax: 208-1758