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News Releases

School Zone Enforcement

Aug 6th, 2010

File Number: School Zone Enforcement

The Mobile County Public School System will begin classes on Monday, August 9, 2010. The Mobile Police Department would like to take a moment to remind all drivers that officers equipped with radar will be monitoring the school zones. The safety of our children remains a priority with the Department and adherence to school zone laws will be strictly enforced.

Community Resource Officers will be directing traffic at all school zones and drivers should remain alert and prepared to follow the officers' commands. The Mobile Police Department is urging all drivers to operate their vehicles responsibly and to slow down when approaching school zones while classes are in session.

This traffic enforcement initiative will be implemented to stop drivers from passing buses and speeding through school zones. Officers will be targeting those violators who show a total disregard for the safety of our children.

Officer Christopher Levy
Public Information Office
Office: 208-1926
Fax: 208-1758