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Thank You Letters from Citizens

Oct 1st, 2013

Dear Chief Michael T. Williams:

Theresa Jones and I am the Service Coordinator
at Ahepa 310V Apartments located off University Blvd. This
letter comes to thank the Department for Officer Gary
Owens who works with Senior Safety. We had him over at
our property on July 17th, and he was a "hit" with the
residents. He was very knowledgeable and expressed
himself very well about what he does.

I will be recommending him to our other properties and
we look forward to having him come back in the near
future. Officer Owens is a great asset to the Department
and to the Senior Community.


Spring Hill College
Forming leaders engaged in learning,faith,justice and service for life.

Dear Chief Williams,
My name is Laury Rowland and I work for the Spring Hill College Department of Public Safety, as the
Community Resource Officer and Camp Director of the Badger Kids Urban Survival Academy. This week
long children's safety education summer program is taught on our campus. This program covers all
aspects of safety education for children between the ages of 5-12 years of age.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for directing your personnel to Spring Hill College to
assist with the Badger Kids Urban Survival Academy. Due to the thoroughness and patient explanations
from the members of the motorcycle unit, mounted unit, crime prevention unit and central events over
100 children from the Mobile and surrounding area have a much better understand of gun, bicycle,
pedestrian, and vehicle laws and safety; in addition to proper emergency 911 usages.
The majority of the camp evaluations expressed the children's favorite parts of camp were the
interactions with the Mobile Police Department. I would especially like to thank the following individuals
for going above and beyond to make sure our children were properly educated on the safety topics
covered: Lieutenant Billie Rowland, Sergeant Rodney Greely, Corporal Lester Hargrove, McGruff,
Corporal Brandon Miller and Officer Jacob Grissom.
Please accept my grateful appreciation; this safety education program would not have been the
success it has been without all the resources you have provided. Tomorrow is our reward for being safe
today, thank you for helping make the children of our community have many more tomorrows.

Dear Chief Wiliams:


July 12,2013

The Mayor's Office of Strategic Initiatives would like to take this opportunity to express
our sincere appreciation for your participation in and support of the 5th Annual Peace on
the Streets event, scheduled for July 13, 2013. Over the years, the City of Mobile and
the Trike Riders of Mobile have encouraged and promoted Peace and Unity with the
12-Mile Community Empowerment Motorcade. Your participation has been an
invaluable part of the success of this effort.

We would like to extend to you an invitation to have a representative from your
company be a part of the Peace on the Streets Sponsor Recognition, during the July
16th, 2013 Mobile City Council meeting. The City Council meeting will take place at
10:30am in the Government Plaza Auditorium. If you are able to attend, please call the
Mayor's Office of Strategic Initiatives at (251) 208-6320. We are asking that you
assemble in the Mayor's Conference Room, 10th Floor Government Plaza, prior to the
~ity Council meeting_at 10:0Qam, so that we have a complete list of all who are in

Thank you, once again, for your participation and support of Peace on the Streets.



I just wanted to take a minute to say thank yo for EVERYTHING your city has done for us this weekend! It was a HUGE weekend for us with 2 units spread all over downtown, crashing cars, etc. The police were absolutely AMAZING!!!! And when we got ahead of schedule and were able to shoot a piece of what is planned for the 7th, the fire dept came right away and was on the scene when we needed them- in a flash! The shop owners, Serda especially, were so excited to have us there, even tho they were losing a little bit of business. The Battlehouse Hotel went leaps an bounds above the call of duty to make our day as smooth as possible.

Please pass on to anyone and everyone that cares, that I am so very grateful for all of their efforts. In particula Lt. Rowland and his crew. Impeccable!

Hope you are having a great Monday!!


UPM, Tokarev
Mr. Mayor, I would like to take this time to inform you of the outstanding men and women in the 5th precinct. I called yesterday and spoke to someone about doing a ride along, they informed me what I needed to do and I was able to go out that night!

Upon my arrival Sgt. Smith, along with Lt. Hewitt warmly greeted me. I have to admit I thought I might be a burden to the Officers normal nightly routine. If I was no one showed it, in fact it was quit the opposite. They all seemed eager to show me how thing worked and answered every question I had. I was able to witness roll call and meet some-more of my local officers. The Sgt. and Lt. Run a great squad of men and women that clearly look up to and respect them very much.

Officer,Williams (457) showed me around his beat, and explained why he does not simply drive around in circles, which proved to work. The officer had a sixth sense about which cars had someone or something wrong with them. I am not easily impressed however Officer Williams did just that. Officer Williams conducted himself remarkably with the public, he never lost his temper or talked down to people. In return the man we transported to county lock up told him "thank you for being so cool." Coming from a guy your putting in jail you most be doing something right. His handling of repeat offenders, I must say, was like a teacher telling a student," come on I know you can do better than this." You can tell Officer Williams cares not only about protecting the public but the PEOPLE in it who make mistakes too.

The response time the officers had to provide back-up to one another was remarkable considering how spread out they are. Both Sgt. Smith And Lt. Hewitt where driving around as well providing back up support, it was easy to see both men love their jobs with their hands on approach to even the most tedious tasks they preformed with their team.You could feel the un-spoken appreciation the Officers had when they senior Officers would get out to help knock on doors.

As with most all civil servants you'll hear about being under paid or to many hours/ over time, or how their supervisor gives them the junk runs etc. Sir I stand to tell you NOT ONE Officer complained about their job, not even a momentary spat!!! They all spoke positively about their love for the force.

I know that with most people the only write up they get are from upset citizens. I've never called in or wrote someone up, but I just felt compelled to thank you for our Officers in the 5th. I hope you can find a moment in your week to let them know that people notice their hard work.

My only compliant would be the police cars. This Officer had trouble with his computer not securing to the stand, and software issues. Then the door/window regulator went out so we where unable to lock/unlock the doors or roll our windows up or down.

I hope the new interceptors will be arriving soon, as these professionals deserve them.

Mr. Mayor thank you for your time.


Hi, there is an officer who I need to thank. I don't know which precinct he works with but his name is J.D. Robinson. My car died today at the light at Zeigler & Cody, which is why I thought he was in your precinct. When it died, I started panicking. I was in a mustang & my battery died. My car would not start at all. Large vehicles were flying up to me & past me. I was afraid I was going to be hit. I said a prayer & asked God to watch over me & help me out of this situation unharmed & easily. Within 2 minutes of praying, Officer Robinson pulled up behind me. He could have been a jerk, like a lot of cops I have encountered but he was very kind. I was already in hysterics so the last thing I needed was a rude cop talking to me. After I told him what was wrong with my car, he said he was going to give me a jump. He had to do this several times & was so polite throughout the entire time. Once my husband arrived, Robinson helped us push the car into the gas station lot. I have had poor experiences with officers, either driving by when they see me have car trouble or being rude. I was so glad God made our paths cross. I wish him the best & want to thank him for showing compassion. It is nice to know there are still good people out there, especially on the police force. We citizens need reassurance sometimes that officers are there for us if we need help occasionally, even if it seems small like helping with a dead battery. He made me feel safe & did an awesome job. I hope I have contacted the correct precinct. I didn't get a chance to fully thank him.
