Special Operations Section / Traffic Safety Unit

The Traffic Safety Unit enforces traffic laws, responds to traffic accidents and provides traffic escorts. The Unit consists of the following:
- The Traffic Enforcement Detail is responsible for controlling the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and for the enforcement of traffic laws.
- The Traffic Accident Investigators (TAI) are specially trained and certified in traffic accident investigations. TAI's are responsible for investigating all traffic fatalities, accidents with injuries involving city vehicles and for follow-up investigations of all hit-and-run accidents.
- The Wrecker/Vehicle Inspection Detail is responsible for coordinating and scheduling the inspection of wreckers that are licensed to do business within the City of Mobile and its jurisdiction and to inspect private vehicles that have been issued citations for motor vehicle equipment violations.
- The Hazardous Materials Detail is charged with enforcing laws governing the safe transportation of hazardous substances through the city limits of Mobile. Their duties include inspecting hazardous material carriers to ensure their compliance with applicable laws; monitoring highways and tunnels for violations; and investigating all incidents involving spills, leaks, etc.
- School Traffic Officers are responsible for the safety and welfare of children at school crossings within their assigned areas. They work with school authorities in teaching children the rules of safety and strive for their cooperation and support in safety programs.
- The Community Police Resource Officers are civilian employees who perform various departmental duties including directing traffic at special functions such as ballgames.